Show example
- Space
rows can be defined in <Solid> tag as <I> or <Space> tag. The position in grid is set by its
Space attribute
- Space row is not divided to column sections, is still visible and never scrolled. It is placed to table between other rows sections.
Cannot be sorted, filtered, selected, deleted, added or dragged. Cannot have child rows. Cannot have spanned cells (it has no meaning, you can define all the cells, positions and widths).
- Space row can contain cells, that have not the same layout as grid columns, but rather have its own width and position. Those cells are not affected by columns resize or move.
- Space rows can be standard data rows and there also four special space rows:
- Group
(user interface for grouping rows according to selected columns),
- Search
(user interface for searching and advanced filtering).
- SimplePager
(user interface for page navigation, cannot have cells).
- Toolbar
(user interface for running predefined or custom actions from toolbar).
- All these special rows can also be created by pure Space row by setting appropriate cells.
Show data source
<Cfg id='Simple8'/>
<C Name='Col1'/>
<C Name='Col2'/>
<C Name='Col3' Width='250'/>
<C Name='Col4'/>
<I Space='0' Cells='A'
<I Space='1' Panel='1' Cells='A,B'
<I Space='2'
Html='Space=2, without cells'/>
<I Space='3' Cells='X,Y'
X='Space=3, Height=30'
XWidth='130' YRelWidth='1'
Y='RelWidth' Height='30'/>
<I Space='4' Cells='A,B'
A='Space=4' ACanFocus='0'/>
<I Space='5' Cells='X,Y,Z'
NoColor='1' CanFocus='0'/>
<I Col1='Head'/>
<I Col1='Foot'/>
<I Col1='Body'/>
<I Col1='Body'/>